Aether Auctions + Appraisals is a full-service appraisal firm in Indianapolis, IN, accredited by the A.I.A, providing certified appraisal valuation services tailored to your specific needs.

Lee Parson
A.I.A Certified Personal Property Appraiser
Lee Parson is the Founder of Interstellar Industries, LLC and its Affiliate, Aether Estate Sales Co. Lee is also the Founder of Aether Auctions and Appraisals, LLC.
GPPA Designated Appraiser
A.I.A Certified Personal Property Appraiser
USPAP Compliant Personal Property Appraiser
Licensed Auctioneer #AU12000006
Contract Auction Specialist
Certified Estate Specialist
Federal Firearms Dealer
References available upon request.
Lee Parson, personal property appraiser and auctioneer based in Indianapolis, Indiana, contributes years of experience in the field of fine arts, collectibles, and antiques to the appraisal profession. He is a graduate of the Asheford Institute of Antiques, and holds status as a Certified Appraiser within the field of antiques, collectibles and memorabilia. He holds a Graduate Personal Property Appraiser (GPPA) designation from the National Auctioneers Association.
Lee also holds status as a USPAP Certified Personal Property Appraiser. The Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) is the generally recognized ethical and performance standards for the appraisal profession in the United States. Compliance is required for state-licensed and state-certified appraisers. USPAP is updated every two years so that appraisers have the information they need to deliver unbiased and thoughtful opinions of value.
Lee’s past includes auction houses, antique and secondhand stores, selling high-end antiques and overseeing the annual marketing budget for a worldwide antiquities broker. Lee has conducted over one-thousand estate sales and auctions over the course of his career.
Lee also holds designations as a licensed auctioneer, Contract Auction Specialist, Certified Estate Specialist, and Federal Firearms Dealer.
Lee studied Marketing & Branding at Griffith University in Australia, and Illinois State University.